With all of the enterprise solutions available in the market today every enterprise should implement these cost effective solutions this year.

1. Operating System Updates
An outdated Operating System can lead to many inefficiencies including document compatibility, mobile device integration and overall security risks. When Apple released their latest Operating System, OS X Mountain Lion, it included over 200 new features including Built-In Sharing, Encrypted Backup and iCloud Document Library, which are all great for improving enterprise efficiency and a good indication of where the industry is trending.
In some cases an enterprise does not feel comfortable immediately switching to a new Operating System. In these situations a plan should be established to align the enterprise’s current processes with the new Operating System capabilities and functions. A well executed conversion plan will help employees prepare for the new System while lowering the risk of data loss.
2. Computer Repair
With the normal wear and tear of an office environment computers will physically break down over time. Some common issues may be broken fans, unresponsive USB ports, insufficient RAM or damaged motherboards. These issues can lead to slower computer processing, usability issues and overall decrease in employee moral. In some cases, after repairs are quoted, an enterprise will forgo the computer repair process and consider new machines all together.
3. Cloud Computing
At times an enterprise’s budget may not allow for System Updates or Computer Repairs, in these situations consider incorporating Cloud Computing.
CouldTweak.com provides a great expatiation of Cloud Computing:
What is Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is gaining popularity since last few years. It is a computing model that uses shared infrastructure to provide computing resources to companies dynamically over a cloud, such as internet. It enables companies to use data storage, software applications, and computer processing power owned and maintained by cloud service providers through the internet or proprietary network of the service provider.
A cloud is a very cost effective and innovate solution that enables enterprises to meet their IT needs. It will lead to lower memory usage on storage devices as well as increased collaboration throughout the business.
Overall, when determining this year’s goals remember the 3 steps: Operating System Updates, Computer Repairs and the Incorporation of the Cloud. With these steps in place an enterprise can begin to inefficiencies and overall headaches.
dpi is an enterprise consulting, support and computer repair St. Louis business. Please contact us to see how any of the above can be incorporated into your business this year.
Overall, when determining this year’s goals remember the 3 steps: Operating System Updates, Computer Repairs and the Incorporation of the Cloud. With these steps in place an enterprise can begin to inefficiencies and overall headaches.
About dpi
digital partners incorporated is a leading Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Value-Added Reseller (VAR), supporting and supplying enterprises with the latest technology since 1994. One of the industry’s only woman-owned firms, dpi and its team of technology professionals have helped hundreds of companies – from startups to Fortune 500 Companies- with the implementation and management of unique IT solutions. Starting with an initial focus on Apple enterprise support, dpi has expanded its capabilities to include services like IT management, printing, storage, lifecycle management of devices, consultation, training, and zero-touch deployment. To learn more about dpi and its myriad of capabilities, visit www.dpipro.com